In most cases, when you marry someone, you’re marrying their family too.
With that being said, if you’re husband’s family does something potentially dangerous to your child, what would you do?
A Malaysian woman took to the pel calico lover Twitter page to anonymously confess how she had reported her husband and mother-in-law to the police, and causing them to get arrested, due to them inserting their anti-vaccine beliefs onto her 6-month-old baby and causing the baby to remain sick.

This image is for illustration purposes only.
She wrote, “Am I wrong for making a police report about my in-laws and my husband? And they were remanded and will be charged for child neglect. They are currently out on bail and are free. Their court mention will be in October.”
She started her story by explaining that she didn’t know of her husband and his family’s anti-vaccine and anti-modern medicine ideology prior to her marriage.
Only when she was giving birth to her and her husband’s now 6-month-old child did she find out!
“When I was in labour, my husband refused vitamin K (for our baby) but I told (the medical personnel) to inject it anyways. I also approved all of the other vaccines.”
Then, Hari Raya Haji rolled around and their baby started getting a fever.
“I took the baby to the GP and got paracetamol, but my in-laws told me I can’t give it to the baby (my in-laws were staying at my house at that time). They did give my baby a sponge bath,” she explained, adding that her mother-in-law volunteered to take care of the baby, to which she remain positive.
Though, 4 days later, her baby was still having a fever. She wanted to take her baby to the hospital again but her husband sternly refused.

This image is for illustration purposes only.
That’s when she found out that her mother-in-law had given her 6-month-old baby honey.
“My child is weak and the hands and feet were swollen. The honey in a bottle was bought at a supermarket for RM6. Honey cannot be given to children below the age of 1. I immediately took my child to the emergency ward. (Thankfully), my child just got pneumonia, and didn’t contract botulism or anything.”
“Following that, my mother came to the hospital to take care of my child while I went to make a police report about my husband and his mother. The police later arrested them and are going to charge them for neglect,” she added.
Her husband later tried to get her to retract her report to which she refused and told him of her plan to file for divorce. Though, she does feel guilty for getting her husband and his mother arrested and questions if she overreacted.
Considering the danger that her husband and his mother had subjected her baby to, we definitely think she made the right call.
Do you think she overreacted? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
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