Bullying is never acceptable for whatever reason!
Bullying culture is sadly still well alive in our country. From causing physical injuries to humiliation, every bully victims deserves the rights to justice!
Recently, a Twitter thread went viral of an incident that happened in a famous fashion jewellery & accessories store in a mall in Kuala Lumpur because a new hire was allegedly being bullied by senior staffs.
The experience was shared by Twitter user, Nicholas Gomez where he and his wife went to the store and happened to witness the incident first-hand.
What made Nicholas fume with anger was how the incident was so humiliating for the new hire herself. Being dirty without any proper cleaning utensils, and even to the extent of having to answers questions from customer while still being down on the floor.
As a regular there, the couple was weirded out by why have they never seen regular faces, the senior staffs, doing that before.
“I’ve worked in retail before, but never have I once had to do something like this”
Talking to WORLD OF BUZZ, the wife mentioned that the girl was not only cleaning one spot, but the whole store! On all fours, using only wet tissues, with customers left and right!
Concerned about the girl, Nicholas’s wife approached the victim and asked her a few questions. When asked why was she doing this, the girl answered saying it’s okay cause they did it earlier.
“The response I got from the senior staff was just several “okays” and she had a superficial sweet smile plastered on her face the whole time”
Approaching the senior staff, Nicholas’s wife received no response.

For illustration purposes only
Nicholas and wife do not want any internet fame, but their main intention of sharing their experience is to spread awareness where no one deserves to be treated as such.
Bullying has to be stopped, not only in school but in any kind of setting. Let’s work together as responsible Malaysians to lend a hand to any bully victims that require help.
Also read: “I wasn’t just beaten up” M’sian Claims That School Bullies Tied His Genitals To Ceiling Fan