Maybank will no longer be generating TAC codes via SMS for users to approve selected online transactions on Maybank2u as Secure2u will be replacing it as the preferred authorisation method.
In a statement released on their website, bill payments and Interbank Giro (IBG) transfers of any amount on Maybank2u will require users to utilise Secure2u starting 15 March onwards.
Maybank says that this move is to provide customers with better online banking security.

“Secure2u is a safer and convenient way to authorise transactions using Secure Verification (one-tap approval) and Secure TAC (6-digit TAC number generated on the mobile app). This feature is an alternative to SMS TAC and available via the Maybank2u app,” the website said.
The website also said that Secure2u “pairs your device with your Maybank2u User ID”, which gives an “extra level of security, as all transactions initiated can only be authorised on your registered device.”
Depending on the transaction type, users can easily generate a 6-digit Secure TAC from their Maybank app to approve online transactions.
Alternatively, users can approve or reject online transactions on their device once a notification alert on the transaction is sent to their phone.
If users have already registered for Secure2u, the service will then be the default method for all transactions.

How to activate Secure2u:
- Download the Maybank2u app MY app on Google Play or Apple App store
- Before login: Tap on ‘Secure2u’
- Follow on-screen instructions
- After login: Tap on the drawer menu
- Tap on ‘Secure2u’
- Follow on-screen instructions
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