Just days ago, Stanford University published a rather interesting study, revealing Malaysia as the third most unfit country in the world!
In this research, data was collected using smartphones equipped with accelerometers to record the number of steps taken by 717,000 men and women from 111 countries.
Hong Kong topped with 6880 steps taken in a day, deeming them the fittest country. It was estimated that the citizens walk 6km on a daily basis. Coming close behind them were China and Ukraine with 6189 and 6107 steps taken respectively.

Source: Hong Kong Expats
Sadly, Malaysia emerged as the third last on the list, with only 3,963 steps taken in a day. I guess all that nasi lemak and roti canai during breakfast really takes its toll…
If it makes you feel any better, Indonesia came behind us, with only 3,807 steps a day. At the very bottom of the list was Saudi Arabia, with only 3,513 steps a day.
Here’s the full list of countries:

Source: Daily Mail
Some Malaysian netizens were clearly unamused by the results and blamed rampant crimes for our poor performance on the list.
“Walking on the road, you’re bound to get robbed, raped, kidnapped, gunned down, etc. It’s just not safe for us to walk in Malaysia!” commented one netizen.
“Most of the cities in Malaysia aren’t pedestrian-friendly, not to mention the blazing hot weather!” said another netizen.
Fellow Malaysians, let’s take this as a wake-up call.
Obviously, all the walking in shopping malls and from car parks to mamak stalls aren’t enough. We need to be more physically active throughout the day to put a stop to our sedentary lifestyle.
Stay active, guys!
Also read: Survey Says Malaysia Is One Of The Best Places to Retire In 2017