If you drive your own car, you would know that sometimes we tend to encounter some frustrations that make us want to give up driving. Some of these include the horrid traffic jams at rush hour and of course, looking for an empty parking spot for what seems like ages.
In a post that since went really viral, a girl, Lim H. En, shared her frustrating experience of having someone else snatch the parking spot that she was waiting for.
Source: Lim H. En
Apparently, she had waited for quite some time for the parking spot but another car came and just slid right in the parking lot. Displeased, Lim expressed her frustration to the driver of the other car, telling them that they came first.
“Lim: We have waited for this spot for a very long time.
Other Driver: I came in from the back, you were waiting in front.
Lim: I already turn on my signal to indicate that I wanted to go in and even honked at you but you ignored me and took my spot.
Other Driver: Do you have driving license?
Lim: Of course I have, there’s so many other parking spots, why do you have to take mine?
Other Driver: Well, if there’s so many other parking spots then go and look for another one.”

Source: Lim H. En
Lim was left speechless by the exchange and decided to leave the area. But before she could do so, the family in the other car clearly felt annoyed by her and decided to attack her car as she was driving away.

Source: Lim H. En
She explains, “I wanted to drive away as fast as I could, but at that time there were other cars and motorcycles around. Besides, the family who was in the car had small kids with them so I drove really carefully to avoid any accidents from happening. I asked the passenger in my car to record the video and take photos in case anything happens to me or my car.”

Source: Lim H. En

Source: Lim H. En

Source: Lim H. En
The post, which was shared more than 24,000 times in less than 24 hours also included a video that shows the family scolding her, threatening her, pointing their middle finger at her, and even hitting and kicking her car. At one point, one of them even took off her shoes and threw them at the car. Then, she walked nonchalantly away barefooted.

Source: Lim H. En
Lim also shared photos of her car after the incident, which clearly shows damage caused by the other party as her door was dented and a part of the door was also broken off.

Source: Lim H. En
She updated her post and said that she went to the police station to make a report, but the next day when she went back to meet one of the sergeants, he was not free to entertain her. When she asked other officers there, they were not bothered much about her case and didn’t take any further action to help her.
Of course, fellow Muslim netizens who stumbled upon this video were outraged at the scene and said how these people jatuh muka their own kind. Hey, everyone 1Malaysia right? We all know that there will be bad apples, and it’s not labelled by their skin colour.
Remember, spread love, not war!
Also read: Malaysian Shares Frustrating Experience of Ignorant Man “Human Parking” in 1 Utama