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“Kopi Bing” – M’sian Radio DJ Gets Mistaken as Fan Bingbing, Responds With Pictures of Herself in Kebaya


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Source: Facebook | Emely Poon

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Sometimes, it’s flattering to get mistaken as a celebrity. Ladies, wouldn’t you flattered if you were thought to be the lookalike of Angelina Jolie or Gal Gadot?

With the Chinese actress Fan Bingbing recently emerging as the talk of the town, many Malaysians flocked to Malacca following her appointment as the Malacca Ambassador for Tourism. A Malaysian radio DJ, however, was mistaken as Fan Bingbing.

Facebook user Cambenny Cambenny recently shared a video recording of the conversation with his friend, who believed he was lucky to have met Fan Bingbing.

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Here’s the thing. He thought he had taken a picture with “Fan Bingbing,” but the woman was NOT the said Chinese actress.

The figure standing in the middle is no other than Emely Poon, a Malaysian radio DJ.

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The post gained Emely’s attention, who simply laughed at the mistake. Social media users also took the opportunity to affirm the matter and reminded Cambenny that the person standing with them was nowhere near Fan Bingbing, who is illustrated in the image below.

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Some social media users also joked and said that Emely was no Fan Bingbing but a “Kopi Bing” – iced coffee in Chinese.

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Fortunately, the DJ herself was not upset or offended by social media users’ jokes. Emely responded to the newfound name by posting pictures of her in a pink Kebaya outfit and calling herself Kopi Bing in her Facebook post, acknowledging that she was well aware of the ongoing joke.

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Well, we have to admit that both Fan Bingbing and Emely poon are beautiful in their own unique ways! What do you think of this?


Also read: “Please tag her for me!” – Adeline Wants to Be a Celebrity & Hopes to be Fan Bingbing’s Student

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