20 years ago, kindergarten teacher Chee Hoi Lan, who is now 83-years-old, took care of Rohana Abdullah, the daughter of an Indonesian worker who was made to leave her behind after she was deported back to her home country.
Understanding the difficulties that may fall on the innocent child, Chee Hoi Lan made the decision to raise Rohana just as she would if Rohana was her own flesh and blood.
Here is a video of their interview with Harian Metro.
Chee Hoi Lan understood that there would be barriers in raising a child that is of a different religion than her, but this did not stop her from raising Rohana.
“She strived to care for her, up to a point of using her own money sending her to Fardhu Ain classes.
“I love her as if she is my own daughter. I made sure that she can pursue a life of a true Muslim, something that I have managed to do up this day.”
“My only wish for her is that before I die, I would like to see her get married. That gives me a sense of fulfillment, knowing that I have cared for her and ensured that she embraces her religion throughout her life.”

Explaining about her life with Rohana, she explains: “It is my duty as a mother to teach and educate her what is right and wrong.”
“The only thing that differentiates us is our culture and religion.”
Referring to her mother as ‘Laoshi’, Rohana shared that life has not been easy for her, living as an immigrant in Malaysia.
“I understand that there are difficulties in getting citizenship – what more with an Indonesian mother and a father (Malaysian) who is MIA.”
“Thankfully, I am getting the help I need right now.”
Let’s hope that Rohana and Chee Hoi Lan continue to care for one another in the years to come.