So, those who are looking to buy their own cars at an affordable price, here’s some good news for you. A bunch of cars will be put up for a public auction on 15th August 2019 (Thursday) in JPJ Bukit Katil, Melaka.
There are about 87 cars up for auction, and these vehicles were confiscated by the JPJ Melaka, reported Berita Harian.
The director of JPJ Melaka, Muhammad Firdaus Shariff, said that in the process of auctioning of the 84 vehicles, two vans and a lorry will start off the auction at 9.30am.
Among the vehicles on the auction list is a 2005 model Mini Cooper, and the bidding starts at RM4,500.

Source: Youtube
“All the vehicles here that will be auctioned were confiscated since 2014, either during a JPJ operation, the owner gave up the vehicle, or pulled over while on the road,”he said.
“However, out of the 87 vehicles that will be auctioned, there are 79 clone cars and six of them are categorised as non-registrable – which includes the Mini Cooper,” Muhammad Firdaus said to the press in a media conference at the JPJ office in Bukit Katil, Melaka on 22nd July.
He also added that other vehicles in the auction list include BMWs, a Subaru Impreza, Honda Stream, Honda Jazz, Honda Accord and Toyota Wish.
The lowest reserved price for a vehicle is RM450 for a 1998 model Proton Saga while the highest is RM19,500 for a 2005 model Honda Accord.
“For the non-registrable vehicles, the lowest reserved price is RM300 for a Perodua Kancil and the highest is RM12,000 for a Honda Odyssey,” he said.

Source: Berita Harian
“The minimum bid for each of the vehicles is RM100 and the interested buyer is required to buy an auctioning document from us for RM100,” he added.
The last day to buy the auctioning document is on 13th August (Tuesday) by 4pm. So, keep that in mind guys!
All the vehicles will be displayed to the general public on 8th and 9th August (Thursday and Friday) starting from 9am to 4pm.
“Interested buyers can bring a copy of their identification card, and they must pay a deposit of RM2,000 cash during the registration,” he said.
“The deposit will be returned if the bid wasn’t successful. If the bid was successful, the amount will be deducted from the bidding price,” he continued.
So, there you have it folks. If you’re interested in buying a car for yourself on the cheap, remember to head over to JPJ Bukit Katil, Melaka on 15th August (Thursday). You might get a good deal!
Also read: What Car Do You Really Drive? Here’s What Some M’sians See When They’re On The Road