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Fatty Pork Announced as Top 10 Most Nutritious Food in the World


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Source: The Woks of Life

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Pork belly is considered the holy grail for most pork lovers; after all, who can resist its juicy fat content that oozes with so much flavour the moment we sink our teeth into it! Having said that, we do know that excessive consumption of this particular meat can lead to health problems due to its high fat content.

However, in a study published by BBC recently, pork fat has been crowned the eighth most nutritious food on the planet! No, it’s true! 

“After analysing more than 1,000 raw foods, researchers ranked the ingredients that provide the best balance of your daily nutritional requirements – and they found a few surprises.” 

Needless to say, pork fat is one of the pleasant surprises as it is more unsaturated and healthier than lamb or beef fat. Also, it is a good source of B vitamins and minerals, which are vital for our human body.

Meanwhile, here are the other items that made it to the list of top 10 most nutritious food:

  1. Almonds
  2. Cherimoya
  3. Ocean perch
  4. Flat fish
  5. Chia seeds
  6. Pumpkin seeds
  7. Swiss chard
  8. Pork fat
  9. Beet greens
  10. Snapper

Although many find this discovery hard to believe, a nutritionist from Singapore concurred with the result and said that pork fat is actually rich in oleic acid and contains 60 per cent monounsaturated fat.

Dong Po Rou 1080X676

Source: delishar

“Monounsaturated fat and oleic acid are beneficial to our heart, arteries and skin. It can regulate our hormones as well.”

“However, excessive consumption of fatty pork will lead to obesity, so it’s best to eat it with vegetables. Boiling or stir frying it is recommended,” she said. 

She added that as long as the meat is not processed and doesn’t contain processed lard, the meat should be beneficial to our health with moderate consumption. Everything in moderation guys! 

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So guys, share this awesome news with your pork-loving friends and enjoy your siew yuk guilt free! 


Also read: 10 Hidden Gems in Melbourne That Will Make You Want to Visit It Again

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