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Chinese Schoolgirl Escapes Sexual Assault by Pretending to be a Prostitute


Chinese Schoolgirl Escapes Sexual Assault By Pretending To Be Prostitute - World Of Buzz 2
Source: Chinapress

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As women, the world poses a bigger threat to us compared to our male counterparts. And one of these threats are none other than the opposite sex themselves. Not all men are dangerous, but you know there are definitely some bad apples out there!

Source: Chinapress

To protect ourselves, we have come up with many ingenious ways to do so. Sometimes, even just talking to the assailant can deter them from harming you, just like what this female high school student from China did. CCTV footage captured the incident that happened on Thursday night, when she was walking home alone after school. 

According to Chinapress, she took a dim slip road instead of walking on the brightly-lit main road when she was attacked by a man and they struggled, which caused her to fall on the floor. The pervert tried to take her pants off but she resisted with all her strength.

Chinese Schoolgirl Escapes Sexual Assault By Pretending To Be Prostitute - World Of Buzz

Source: chinapress

But she didn’t panic and managed to stay calm. In the spur of the moment, the quick-thinking girl had an inspiration and told the man, “Calm down, I am actually working as a prostitute, I have a place we can go to,” insinuating that she had a room that they could go to instead.

Appeased, the man stopped his attack and ordered the girl to lead the way but along the way, the brave girl managed to escape when she saw that he wasn’t paying attention. She quickly ran away to the police station to lodge a police report.

Chinese Schoolgirl Escapes Sexual Assault By Pretending To Be Prostitute - World Of Buzz 1

Source: chinapress

She even remembered what the man wore and was able to describe his clothes to the police officers, which was a big help in facilitating with the capture of the pervert. Following the report, the police managed to apprehend the suspect, surnamed Zhang, at a local Internet cafe.

25-year-old Zhang confessed that he was drunk that night and was looking for some excitement when he saw the schoolgirl and attacked her. He also admitted that this was not the first time he had committed such obscene acts. Police are currently investigating the case.

He should be put behind bars for a good, long time IMO!

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