Why it seems like, no matter what problems we humans face, our animal friends will always suffer too? Yes, we do understand that during this grim moment, the majority tends to panic even because everyone is on their toes but it does not justify killing our pets without any concrete evidence.

Source: The Sun
As reported by The Sun, pet owners are killing their pets by throwing their furry ones out of their apartment windows after receiving unconfirmed news that pets can spread the Coronavirus too. Pictures of bloodied pet carcasses can be seen on major platforms after these innocent creatures are hurled to death, thanks to their panicky owners.

Source: Twitter
The panic was caused by a statement by Dr Li Lanjuan who originally said that if a pet has come in contact with a person with the virus, the pet should be quarantined, just to be safe.
QUARANTINED! Not throw them out a window!

Source: Twitter
This statement has caused panic among a handful of people in China which led to the killing of their pets in a very cruel manner.
Of course this sparked outrage throughout social media. We hope no other pets are spared because of intense panic! 🙁
Also read: Top Virus Expert Claims Wuhan Virus May Transmit To Household Pets Too, Not Just Humans