When you’re attending a gathering with friends and just chilling, this could involve some drinking but it’s important to remember not to overdo it if you can’t hold your alcohol. Plus, you shouldn’t egg your friend on and get carried away especially if you see them having trouble downing the alcohol because this might have detrimental consequences!

Source: Wow! Japan
A 20-year-old male student from Kindai University in Osaka, Japan attended a gathering with friends in December 2017 and decided to down a few drinks with them. It was a gathering with 12 other tennis club friends, and he decided to go all out with his drinking, Line Today reported.
The second-year student gamely agreed to drink and at first, he drank beer and whiskey alternately and seem to be doing fine. Another report stated that after that, he poured 20 vodka shots in a beer mug and then downed it all at once. He passed out from his excessive drinking but his friends thought he was just drunk and did not do anything to help him.

Source: Live Japan
Unfortunately, the next day, the student died due to his excessive alcohol consumption and nine of the male students there were accused of being negligent and causing his death. They were charged in court on November 5th as the prosecutor said that they watch the victim lose consciousness after drinking and did not call an ambulance.
In their defense, the nine students said that they thought the victim was just drunk and needed to sleep, they did not realise his life was in danger. Japanese media said that if the students were convicted, this would be a deterrent for young people, so they will not encourage others to drink excessively.

Source: Tokyo Cheapo
Netizens had mixed reactions over this, as some of them felt that the victim should’ve known his limits and stopped accordingly. Some of them said that his friends shouldn’t have encouraged him and the student might have wanted to save face so he drank the alcohol.
No matter what, you should always stop at your limit and not get carried away! Drink responsibly!
Also read: Wife Violently Stabs Husband Because He Always Goes Out Drinking With Friends