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12yo M’sian Earns Up to RM300/Day Selling Cookies at Her School, Gets Reprimanded by Head Prefect


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Source: Huspalita Hussain Arif | Facebook

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The industrious and entrepreneurship spirit of a young Malaysian girl wowed netizens recently after her mother shared she has been earning up to RM300 a day by selling soft cookies at her school.

The girl’s mother, 42-year-old Huspalita Hussain Arif, who herself is an entrepreneur selling baking products, shared her daughter’s exploits in a Facebook post which has since gone viral with over 7,800 reactions and more than 822 shares.


12-year-old girl earns up to RM300 a day by selling cookies at her school

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Huspalita (right) with her daughter, hessa

In the post, Huspalita revealed that all the soft cookies her daughter, 12-year-old Hessa Ardinee Mohamed Airee, brings to school will always be sold out regardless of the quantity.

Furthermore, the money collected from the sales will always tally with the amount of cookies sold, despite Hessa saying that she doesn’t know how to count money and that she’s not good at doing business.

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Huspalita added that she was surprised by her daughter’s achievements because she’s a shy person. She then congratulated Hessa for her success.


The school head prefect reprimanded her for selling cookies

However, Huspalita said her daughter recently said that she would stop selling cookies at her school because the head prefect, who is in the same class as her, recently reprimanded her for conducting business at school.

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Huspalita asserted,

“The head prefect wants to report Hessa to the teacher. The head prefect is mad because students queue up outside of the class to buy the cookies.

“However, Hessa did say that there are even teachers who buy soft cookies from her.”

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Despite this setback, Hessa seemed to have 2nd thoughts about quitting as her mother said that she was planning to sell cookies in small amounts because she felt that it would be a waste if she didn’t continue selling the cookies.

Furthermore, the 12-year-old girl said that she feels really happy when doing business as everyone knows her because of it.

Yesterday, Huspalita shared how her daughter’s exploits were published in a local Malay publication and accordingly, Hessa is now anxious about going to school due to her new popularity.

So, what do you guys think of the amazing entrepreneurship of this 12-year-old girl? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


Also read: M’sian Baker Throws Cookies Off 2nd Storey Home to Show They Can Withstand Harsh Delivery Conditions

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