Now, growing up Asian, one of the most popular classes to put your kids into is ballet class. More often that not, our younger selves were put into these classes by our parents – not because we were passionate about dancing. Well, whether you joined ballet class yourself or was ‘forced’ to do it by your parents, here are some things that you as a ballerina will surely remember!
1. That privilege of keeping your long hair if you’re from an SJK (C) school
Source: YouTube
If you didn’t know, SJK (C) schools aka Chinese primary schools had a strict rule for female students – to have their hair above shoulder length. However, if you had ballet classes, this was an exception! So it’s not uncommon all your female friends would be jealous of your long hair! But having to tie it into a bun everyday is hard work lah!
2. Some ballet jargon that still give you nightmares till today: Turn out, arabesque, adagio.
Source: Active
For all the reasons in the world, your turn out was never good enough!
3. Getting tired of people asking “Can you do the splits?”
It didn’t occur to you that doing the splits was actually a big deal. Almost everytime someone finds out that you do ballet, this is one of the first questions they ask, followed by “Can you show me?”
4. Also getting tired of people doing this:
Ya know, putting their hands awkwardly above their head and twirl around. FYI, what you did actually looks like shit and nothing like ballet.
5. That moment when you FINALLY get to do pointe
Seriously, that sense of achievement is real!
5. Pointe shoes look cool but only ballerinas know the real pain that comes with them
Source: Pinterest
Blisters and black toes? You know what they say – beauty comes with a price.
6. Clear nail polish comes in handy more than anything!
To patch up that hole in your tights, or frayed cloth on your pointe shoes.
Source: Odyssey
7. It’s not just about dancing, but real life skills
Sewing on your ribbon is a matter of life and broken ankles.
8. That ‘gulp’ you do when moving from barre routine to the centre
You pray that the barre prepped you enough that you can balance yourself without it.
9. No matter how many bobby pins you buy, all of it will eventually disappear
Source: Teen Ballet
10. Being picked as ‘pink’ for the exam
Pink = first person at the barre = immense pressure!!
11. People usually associate ballet with being feminine, when in fact ballerinas actually kick ass
Especially when men take up ballet classes! They equally kick butt okay!
12. All in all, it’s suppose to look like a piece of cake, but it’s really REALLY not
Practically every muscle fibre in your body must be precise. Making it look effortless? That’s part of the art baby 😉
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