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SG Woman Feels “Betrayed” by Her Indonesian Maid for Not Renewing Contract to Marry Ang Moh BF


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Source: Complaint Singapore | Facebook

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For many, a domestic helper or maid is more than just a worker, but a part of the family. In fact, some employers have such a close bond with their domestic helpers that they go above and beyond for them, including how this French woman left an RM12.8 million inheritance for her Thai maid.

There’s also the viral story of a Saudi man travelling halfway around the globe to walk her Indonesian maid down the aisle at her wedding, and gifting her gold and RM12,500 in cash.


A Singaporean employer feeling “betrayed” by her domestic helper not wanting to renew her contract

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Well, a story about an Indonesian domestic helper getting married also went viral in Singapore recently, though this time, it’s due to her employer calling her out and feeling “betrayed” by the maid’s action.

Posted to the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, 3 postings by the employer about the maid not wanting to renew her contract caught the attention of netizens, with many criticising the employer for her take on the situation.

As of the time of writing, all the posts except for 1 have been removed or hidden from the Facebook group.


The domestic helper declined to renew the contract as she’s planning to get married to her Ang Moh boyfriend

In the 1st post, the Singaporean woman told others to be more “concerned with your maid”  and revealed how her domestic helper, an Indonesian woman in her 20s suddenly doesn’t want to renew her contract because she’s planning to get married.

The employer then said that she told the maid that she could get married and then come back to work for the family but she refused.

It was then revealed that the maid was planning to get married to her Ang Moh or Caucasian boyfriend which she met in Singapore. 

Venting her frustrations at the “betrayal”, the employer asserted,

“I let her wear whatever she wanted, even nail art (I have a baby). I didn’t know she dressed nicely because she got Ang Moh boyfriend in Singapore. Please avoid young helper (she’s in her 20s).”

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After getting backlash in the comments section, the employer defended herself in a 2nd post to the Facebook group, claiming that the domestic helper previously promised that she would be renewing her contract but suddenly changed her mind. However, this was all verbal, with no actual new contract signed.

Moreover, the employer said that her children are already close with the maid, hence it would be difficult to find a new one.

She also refuted claims that she’s jealous of the maid, asserting,

“Those who think that I’m jealous of her are totally wrong. Yes, I agree she’s pretty and young. If I was jealous I wouldn’t let her be whatever she is (dressed well, hair perm etc).”

“Also I let her come back at 10pm on her day off and let her go out during work hours as long as she takes the kid with her.”


The employer ‘doxed’ her domestic helper

In the 3rd post, the employer went a bit over the line by essentially “doxing” the domestic helper, including posting a photo of her and revealing her name in the comments section.

In the caption, the employer asserted,

“If you see she’s applying for jobs, just don’t take her. Otherwise, she’ll leave ur family after you fully trust her.”

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Many Singaporeans criticised the employer for her actions

In the comments section, many Singaporeans lambasted the employer’s actions, saying that the domestic helper has the right to do what she wants and it is not compulsory for her to renew the contract.

One commenter asked why would the domestic helper continue becoming a maid if she’s getting married to an Ang Moh and presumably going to live a better life. She then told the employer to just be happy for the maid and get a new domestic helper.

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Meanwhile, another commenter stressed that maids are humans too and the employer should be happy for her if she had found someone she loves and wants to get married.

Besides that, one netizen said that the employer doesn’t deserve to have any helper and told her to do all the housework and take care of her own baby herself to see how it feels.


So, what do you guys make of the whole situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


Also read: “Only allowed inside from 5am to 11am” – M’sian Employer Locks 21yo Indonesian Maid on Balcony Every Day

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Source: Times Kuwait

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