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Woman with “Datuk” Title Gets Charged for Poisoning Mum-in-Law & Husband Who is a PDRM Officer


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Source: Sinar Daily & Kosmo

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At the end of every bad day, we always have our families around to seek comfort. Unfortunately, not all family members mean well.

A 42-year-old Datuk Eileen Mou was charged at the Kuantan Session Court yesterday (May 24) for administering poison to 2 individuals – her mum-in-law and her husband, who is also a PDRM officer.


Sinar Daily reported that Datuk Eileen carried out the “poisoning” on 2 different dates at different places, which were as below,

  • Husband (a house in Lorong Seri Kuantan 23 in July 2019)
  • Mum-in-law (nursery home at Sara’s Home for The Aged in June 2020)

Datuk Eileen, however, pleaded NOT guilty to both charges.

Both offences were framed under Section 328 of the Penal Code, which provides a prison sentence of up to 10 years and can be fined if found guilty. The Judge allowed bail of RM6,000 with one surety, and Datuk Eileen had to surrender her passport to the Court and not intimidate the witnesses.

Tertuduh Dibawa Keluar Selepas Didakwa Di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuantan Di Kuantan Hari Ini. 2048X1396 1

Another report by Kosmo stated that the accused’s lawyer requested that the initial bail (RM15,000) be reduced because the accused is a mother of two children aged 15 and 12.

She is also in the process of divorcing her husband.


The case has been set for a re-mention and submission of documents on June 28.


Also read: “20% of my salary” – M’sian Woman Secretly Hopes Her Mum Dies So She Can Stop Paying for Everything

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Source: Sinar Daily
Source: Sinar Daily

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