A corn vendor in Sepang, Selangor, went viral on social media for an insensitive remark left on a cardboard at the stall.
“Sorry, we don’t sell this corn to K*l*ng.”
The notice went viral when a woman passed by the stall and took a picture of the notice before posting it online. The incident is said to have occurred in Kota Warisan, Sepang, where the hawker put up the insensitive notice.

The word “k*l*ng” is a derogatory term used against the Indian community.
“I stopped and told the stall owner that it was a racist statement and asked them to remove it.
“However, the stall owner, a man, pointed his finger at me until it touched my nose, and started acting aggressively,” said the woman who recorded a video of the scene.
The woman also claimed that the stall owner followed her and began recording her movements, to which she also responded by recording him.

She added, “I see a lot of Indians walking in this area. Has anyone questioned this man? Has anyone filed a police report about this?”
“If you have seen the man’s actions (racist signs), I urge everyone to file a police report like I did.”
To those in the area, have you seen the stall?