We know we have been preaching good hygiene habits on this site since the Wuhan novel coronavirus outbreak has started; you can’t be too careful these days after all. But you will be very surprised to know that there are people out there who still seem to think it’s completely okay to deliberately try to cause a public panic with their acts of mischief during such a precarious time.
In a video that has since gone viral over social media, a group of teenagers thought it would be a good idea to try and show their Instagram followers ‘how to spread Wuhan’, referring to the Wuhan novel coronavirus that has seized much of the world in fear.

Source: Facebook
In the 25-second-long video that was uploaded online, a young man is seen being filmed in the refrigerated section of a supermarket in Singapore, as he browses through a number of chilled beverages. His friend, the person filming, asks “How you know it’s nice or not, Nigel?”, to which the young man responds “Try loh.”
He then reaches out to grab a beverage, cracks it open, drinks from it and then closes the cap again before placing the bottle back onto the shelf!
His friend’s response? “Not nice ah, put back ah”.

Source: Facebook
The same young man then goes on to do the same thing to another bottle of juice, drinking from it then closing the cap and placing the bottle coated with his spit back onto the shelf.

Source: Facebook
But apparently, when the video went viral over social media and the young men were bashed for their disgusting actions, they claimed to have paid for the juice afterwards and that this whole thing was supposed to be a prank. Erm.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Despite that, netizens didn’t seem to buy into that story much as the very idea of them thinking that this was a funny prank to pull, especially when Singapore has already raised an orange DORSCON (Disease Outbreak Response System Condition) alert over the Wuhan novel coronavirus.

Source: Facebook
One even pointed out how this ‘prank’ got two teenagers in America arrested, in an incident where one of them was caught opening a new tub of ice-cream and licking it on video, before placing it back on the freezer shelf.
Whether they paid for the drinks in the end or not, the very idea of this being a prank is utterly in bad taste, when considering the circumstances!
Also read: Watch: Man Deliberately Spits On Tissues & Wipes Them Over Elevator Buttons Amid Wuhan Virus Crisis