1.Dubbed the ‘Bangsar Splasher’ due to his first area of attack

The police have said that the first apparent attack of this criminal began on March 2nd 2011 where he attacked 9 people with a type of corrosive liquid nearby a school in Bangsar. 8 primary school students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Bandaraya and their teacher were splashed by the unknown man who was riding his motorbike, all dressed in black.
It was because of this first attack was he dubbed the ‘Bangsar Splasher’ and residents were in fear and on high alert, carrying water bottles with them to pour on the skin immediately to save it however they can in case of an acid attack.
2. Attacked mostly woman and operated from his motorbike for a quick escape

Most of this mysterious criminal’s victims were females. It’s believed he would target those by the street or on the road as he operated mainly from his motorbike to make for a quick getaway after attacking his targets. He rode a Honda EX5 motorbike with a fake number plate, WPV 4963.
Out of all his 23 victims, only one was a male. This acid splasher even attacked a 1-year-old baby who was being carried by it’s mother at the compound of their own home.
3. Believed to have harmed 23 victims

Some reports even say that he actually started attacking in February of 2011 and had a little more than 23 victims. This feared criminal’s motives were said to be random by police but we are still left wondering what could have been his motive to have gone on such a rampage on innocent women in the span of not more than 4 months.
He frequently attacked people around the Klang Valley, like Pudu, Wangsa Maju, Titiwangsa and Brickfields.
In one case, a woman in her car was was splashed with corrosive acid while she was stopped at a red light with her window down at Wangsa Maju. That’s a painful reminder to not wind the car windows down too much while in the streets of KL…
4. An innocent man had to clear his name at the police station due to his face closely resembling the splasher

Following a police photofit photo of the suspected serial acid splasher, a random man closely resembling the suspect actually voluntarily recorded a statement with the police to prove his alibi and innocence (which he successfully did was was released, continuing the search for the splasher).
This was advised to the man to do so by his brother who said that he should officially clear his name with the police as more talks were circulating about his resemblance to the photofit.
5. The splasher was never caught despite police releasing a photofit

Till this day, this case remains unsolved, the ‘Acid Man’ or ‘Bangsar Splasher’ went quiet after May 2011 and we wonder what he’s up to now. Will the 23 victims (or more) ever get the justice they deserve? They battle permanent skin scarring that had to be professionally treated and probably still healing from the traumatic ordeal.
From several eyewitnesses, police were able to produce a photofit of the suspect and it was aired for all of Malaysia to see and be on alert for anyone resembling him. At the time the splasher is believed to be a dark skinned man of Indian descent in his 20s or 30s with a mustache and rode a black and white Honda EX5 motorbike.
So after reading our list, are any of the details making you remember this news that happened over a decade ago? If you’re ever driving with the windows down on a crowded road, better be on the lookout for this Acid Man. Who knows when he’ll attack again or maybe we’ll just have to continue not knowing forever…
If there are any other local true crime stories you’d like for us to cover, feel free to suggest them to us in the comment section. We’d appreciate to hear from you!
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