Following an entire night of downpours, multiple areas in Klang have been hit by floods, causing inconveniences to the residents and those who were commuting to...
Hong Kong was flooded by the heaviest rainfall in nearly 140 years on Friday, leaving the city’s streets and some subway stations underwater and forcing its...
The flash flood in parts of Klang Valley yesterday was certainly unexpected and some people think that the flood may be caused by the clogged drain...
5 days have passed since the flood had hit Peninsular Malaysia, and Taman Sri Muda is one of the most affected areas, with some of the...
The Malaysian authorities have been saying time and time again that we need to follow the Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) in order to curb the...
Yesterday (17 October), many areas in the Klang Valley experienced a heavy downpour that lasted about four hours. Water levels were especially high in Sungai Gadut,...
The hot and dry season might go on till May, and at the moment, the scorching heat coupled with no rain has affected the water levels...