The virus has been affecting the movements for humans, but animals on the other hand, have been perfectly able to venture about. According to a post...
Millions of Malaysians are currently being confined to their homes under the Movement Control Order (MCO) – and having so much time on their hands, Malaysians...
Everyday we hear stories of how our brave medical frontliners are doing all that they can to treat as many patients as possible to fight the...
It’s Day Eight of the Movement Control Order and even though the number of cases is still increasing, one thing we can agree on is that...
It is somewhat amazing that we do live in a country with a lot of beautifully designed architecture. From the majestic Petronas Twin Towers to the...
What’s not to like about fried chicken? The crispy skin with the tender flesh is something out of a sweet dream. The majority of us here...
It’s not easy to land ourselves a job these days, especially when the cost of living has been increasing, but salaries remain unchanged for most fields....
Everything is just so expensive nowadays no matter where you live. I mean, when was the last time you had RM1 nasi lemak? Or pampered yourself...
What were you doing when you were 14 years old? Playing video games? Studying for your exams? Well, I remember trading songs with my friends over...
One of the first things I remember from my childhood was my mother teaching me how to read an analogue clock. I won’t lie, it wasn’t...
We’re used to the concept of having tuition for our classes back when we were studying but did you know that there are now tuition sessions...
He apparently had 48 sex videos stored in his mobile phone. Yesterday, a 41-year-old Malaysian man, known as Harris Carter Chai, was charged with two weeks...
Think your pasar malam bargaining skills are impressive? This kid’s got you beat. We’ve heard of aunties who can haggle items down half their original selling...
The recent announcement from the Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching about using Jawi in textbooks has put the spotlight on the dying art of Khat...
The country is definitely currently going through a Beyblade craze right now. Although the toy has been around since the early 2000s, it has become a...
For many of us, during our schooling days, we would wait with anticipation for recess when we could fill our growling tummies with the yummy food...