A renowned figure in global technology and media organisations recently took to social media to share a fascinating fact that took him by surprise while on...
Malaysia has always been a multiracial country with citizens freely practising their own religious beliefs. While there have been instances where some of certain faiths are...
Recently, the blockbuster ‘Mat Kilau’ sent Malaysians into a frenzy as people around the country rushed to cinemas to watch the flick. The local historical epic Mat...
On 21st September, Singaporean beauty and travel influencer, Sheena Phua, uploaded an Instastory while she was at the F1 Grand Prix. Her photo showed two Sikh...
Recently a heated debate has been going on online about Johor Bahru MP Akmal Nasrullah’s decision to attend a multicultural iftar program at a Sikh temple...
Now, this is the true essence of Malaysia – unity and harmony, regardless of race or religion. Metro reported that a Gurdwara in Ipoh opened its...
In April 2018, the Anti-Fake News Act was introduced to Malaysia in efforts to prohibit and protect fellow Malaysians from spreading and receiving fake news. However,...