Following an entire night of downpours, multiple areas in Klang have been hit by floods, causing inconveniences to the residents and those who were commuting to...
A video recorded in Klang, Selangor caught the attention of Malaysians recently and even went viral globally, showing a woman smashing her own car’s windshield and...
A Malaysian woman shared a terrifying experience she had to endure at home in Ipoh around 3:50 AM when her multipurpose vehicle (MPV) was being driven...
Let’s be honest. Deep down, we both know that prices of goods will continue to increase. No one knows when things will be cheap again. Probably...
Our country was shocked recently by a hit-and-run case in Meru, Ipoh, involving a senior police officer who caused the death of a 17-year-old teen. The...
Two Malaysian men stopping at a stall to get some food found themselves at the wrong place and time after a school bus suddenly came crashing...
2 robbers blew up an automatic teller machine (ATM) before fleeing with the cash from a convenience store in Pekan Meru, Klang. The incident which took...
Breaking into an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) isn’t an easy task, yet a group of people managed to break into and steal a whopping RM260,000 from...
A Top Glove security guard from Nepal has died from the Covid-19 virus. In a statement shared to WORLD OF BUZZ by Top Glove, they confirmed...
Road maintenance is a never-ending issue in Malaysia, with various local government departments failing to take responsibility for road works in general. And who falls victim...
The excitement of a group of 18 party goers who were illegally partying at the Casa Kayangan Apartment, Meru did not last long when they were...
This sounds so traumatising! Last weekend, an elderly couple had the misfortune of getting trapped in an elevator at the Mydin Meru Shopping Mall in Ipoh...