During MKN’s daily live telecast, Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, announced that families could celebrate their Hari Raya festivities together on the first day of...
As barbers and hair salons are still under the list of prohibited services that cannot operate during the CMCO, these professionals have had to come up...
Despite the extension of the CMCO, some citizens are still taking the relaxation of regulations lightly. A netizen took to Facebook yesterday to share an alarming...
Health DG, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah advises against the use of Rapid Test Antibody Kits (RTK) as an effective measure of Covid-19 verification. During his...
Things are already hard enough for local eateries to keep afloat amidst this CMCO season. Let’s not be inconsiderate to those who need the support. Recently,...
While hikers, joggers and cyclists all rejoiced after the government announced the relaxation of regulations under the CMCO, the allowance of exercising outside doesn’t mean outdoor...
Now this is what Malaysians should be known for! ?? Malaysia’s Incredible Covid-19 Story ? ?? Malaysia’s Incredible Covid-19 Story ?In March, Malaysia’s had 3 times...
When the pandemic struck, our government issued a Movement Control Order (MCO) to limit people’s movements and hence reducing the exposure to the infection. While many...
This comes right after Datuk Dr Noor Hisham’s announcement that barbershops aren’t given the green light to resume operations yet. Recently, a barbershop that tried to...
Hair salons and barbershops don’t have permission to operate yet as there’re still a risk of transmitting the virus between customers and employees. Reports of such...
Article written by Shobha J “The moment it is lifted, what will your first thought be?” asks someone on her FB post in big white letters...
It’s nice to see our friends with fins getting comfortable in Malaysian waters! Recently, a pod of dolphins were spotted swimming near the surface of Port...
The concern over Rohingya refugees is certainly getting heated and Malaysians are not happy. Tensions have risen after US based NGO, Human Rights Watch (HRW) apparently...
Now, we all know Azmin Ali has made quite a name for himself, especially this 2020. First, it was about the political chaos which happened, then...
If you’re staying in the area, do take note and be careful! As of right now, a video revealing thick clouds of black smoke emitting from...