Civil servants in Selangor might be getting additional “duit raya” from the state government this year. The “duit raya” refers to the additional Special Financial Assistance...
When Coldplay first announced that they were extending additional dates (totaling in 6 nights) in Singapore for their Music of the Spheres World Tour, Malaysians were...
The National Security Council (MKN) has reminded Malaysians that leaving small children alone in a vehicle can be fatal to infants and warned such negligence is...
“Love is not just a feeling, it’s commitment and above all a sacrifice.” Love comes in many forms. No matter the age or status, people are...
Wonder when this will be implemented in Malaysia! Singapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA) issued a statement today (14 May) that diners must clean up after themselves...
Would there be a riot if this is implemented in Malaysia? A number of staff members from the Funabashi City Board of Education in the Chiba...
Sometimes, people do the most dangerous things in desperate times. A woman was taken into custody in Guangzhou, China when she stopped a train from moving...
Well isn’t this convenient? Attention everyone! Starting April 22, foreign travellers will no longer need to stamp their passports when departing from Singapore. Prior to...
With the weather being so hot and dry recently, it won’t come as a surprise to see all sorts of animals looking for shelter, and yes,...
Recently, a man in Singapore was shocked by what he had to witness for a moment. According to mothership, a woman wearing a red saree was...
Since Barisan Nasional’s major loss in GE14, rumours have been floating around about a Sarawakian political party intending to leave the BN coalition. Proving the rumours...
All you buggers reading got pay PTPTN or not? Recently, PTPTN’s Deputy CEO Mastura Mohd Khalid came forward to the media and revealed that a shocking...
Just a heads up, this is a real tear-jerker and you may wanna have some tissues on standby. 21-year old Jesselyn Ng worked as an art...
A member announced his departure from 1D and it wasn’t just any member, it was Zayn, the hot one. We could imagine the fans going through...