The Seremban Sessions Court recently sentenced a 19-year-old Malaysian college student to undergo 240 hours of community service within 12 months after he pleaded guilty to...
Sepak Takraw, a sport of airborne athleticism, has captured the nation’s attention by storm at the recently concluded 2024 ISTAF World Cup. Wanting to continue that...
If you ask any holidaymaker what Hari Raya is like, most would associate the festivities with visiting family/friends, enjoying time away from the office and massive...
A couple in Negeri Sembilan was arrested after they were suspected of abusing a 10-year-old boy in Felda Raja Alias 4, Jempol on 4 June. According...
Firefighters and rescuers took almost 24 hours to put out a fire at a supermarket in Bahau due to ventilation problems. According to Sinar Harian, Negeri...
A shopkeeper from Jempol, Negeri Sembilan was recently fined RM1,000 after it was discovered that he used floor cleaner solution for customers to use as hand...
A couple and their son were found dead in a goat shed in Jempol, Negeri Sembilan earlier this week. 38-year-old S. Elangovan, 36-year-old P. Kaliammah, and...
We hope you’re reading this on an empty stomach, because this is a gruesome one. Police have just discovered a skull and chunks of flesh, along...
Just not long ago in June 2018, several brands of canned sardines imported from China into Malaysia were found to be contaminated with parasitic roundworms that...