A Malaysian doctor, his wife, and their five children have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Despite the dire situation they find themselves in, they remain cheerful as...
Despite constant warnings and advice, Malaysians still seem to be disobeying the simple rules and regulations set in order to avoid a mass spread of the...
As the pandemic continues to spread worldwide, the cases in the United States surged, reaching the most in the world. When China was in the lead,...
In an update of the Covid-19 situation in Malaysia yesterday, Ministry of Health Director General Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah has revealed to the media that the...
Your actions impact others too. Don’t be selfish. If you think the Covid-19 pandemic is being blown way out of proportion by governing authorities worldwide, you...
As we enter the sixth day of the Movement Control Order, we should never forget the heroes of this pandemic, our healthcare professionals. They’re out there...
Malaysia just recorded its third death case due to the Covid-19 virus, reported the Ministry Of Health in an official tweet. The deceased was a 58-year-old...
While all of us are at home following orders to quarantine ourselves during this Movement Control Order, our authorities are busy out there making sure that...
Our Covid-19 front liners are some of the biggest heroes out there, working and braving the virus – and also the heat. Being a front liner...
As the situation deteriorates in Italy, more and more lives are being lost. Based on a report by Daily Mail yesterday (19th March), five more Italian...
Just a few hours ago, we were outraged by the news of a Covid-19 patient who travelled from Johor Bahru to Kuantan despite being asked to...
The number of positive cases just keep rising and it is very worrying. According to a live stream by the Ministry of Health on Facebook, there...
The numbers just keep on rising. The Ministry of Health has just reported 117 new cases of the dreaded Covid-19 virus today at 5:40pm, bringing the...
Malaysia has recorded the first death case due to the Covid-19 virus, reported the State Disaster Management Committee. The deceased is a Pastor from Emmanuel Baptist...
One of the main things that has been drilled into our heads during the Covid-19 outbreak is to maintain your hygiene at all times. You know,...
With the current number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia at 553 and showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, many have been wondering how their jobs...