Recently, this netizen slammed a martial arts tournament in Penang for a subpar organisation and highlighted its opening ceremony which hired an emcee who used inappropriate...
Johor regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has taken to His Highness’s X page to announce that a group of people, allegedly consisting of 2 foreign tourists...
After criticisms from the public, including his mum, Aliff Syukri removed his Raya video from social media but not before he admitted that everything was merely...
Recently, a doctor working in a government hospital in Kuantan, Pahang was charged with generating explicit images that feature 5 of his patients, who are girls...
Sexual harassment is NO JOKE, even when it happens between the same gender. Unfortunately, men, too, are exposed to a similar kind of danger today. Just...
If you haven’t already noticed, throwback videos of how Britney Spears was mistreated as a young popstar is now going viral on TikTok following the release...
Samuel Isaiah needs no introduction in the field of education, and rarely comes out with any form of political statements in recent times. Acknowledging this, in...
Being an insurance agent is a challenging profession, as your income is mostly commission-based and convincing potential clients to sign-up is easier said than done. Accordingly,...
It’s a blessing to have cousins who are close to you like good friends, but things can turn nightmarish when intimacy comes in play. Just recently,...
The Star Vendors Foodstival is coming under fire after a ‘sexy’ performance at their food festival event at the Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) had gone...
Dalai Lama’s viral “suck my tongue” video recently went viral all over the world and had a lot of people stunned. He has since apologised via...
Ramadan bazaars happen only once a year, just as Ramadhan does. It’s a place where small businesses can get the attention of many to help them...
The month of Ramadan is more than just fasting – it is a spring of good deeds, devotion, compassion, generosity, forgiveness and repentance. This is not...
While it is still unknown on whether the ‘Hot Thai Guy’ event at Privacy Club Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, will happen or not, many have already...
Sexual harassment is not just limited to physical touch. If your inappropriate conversation makes the other party uncomfortable and fearing for their safety, it’s also considered...
Concerts and music festivals are often a livelong dream for some and is not only a great way to enjoy with your friends, but it can...