In a heartbreaking story, a 50-year-old man who has been bedridden for 6 years due to a damaged spinal disc took to Facebook to plea for access...
In Malaysia, the community of female photojournalists here is relatively small in comparison to their male counterparts. That’s why the news of Annice Lyn’s recent win...
Malaysian entrepreneur and singer Dato’ Seri Vida is sometimes known for making a controversial “entrance” when she emerges on social media. From flaunting her wealth to...
When Malaysia celebrated it’s 37th Independence Day during the year 1994, a shadow loomed over the nation—a shadow cast by the audacious exploits of the Mamak...
Malaysia is famous for many things, our food, our gorgeous greenery and our culture. But now, we can proudly say that our country is also home...
After portraying Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the biopic film “Anwar: The Untold Story”, local actor Farid Kamil recently shared that he is playing...
The University of Texas (UT) at Austin, United States (US), has awarded the Energy and Earth Resources (EER) fellowship to 25 outstanding students from 9 different...
Congratulations to Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei! Malaysian mixed doubles pair Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei brings home another gold medal from...
Mother’s Day was just around the corner and while many of us wondered high and low on what to get for our mothers, one kid in...
The 2023 SEA Games have been nothing short of spectacular for Malaysia. In an impressive display of skill and determination, Tan Cheong Min, hailing from Malacca,...
There’s no denying that saving money is an essential skill that should be practised by every Malaysian out there. Not only can it build your discipline...
Some influencers “display” their lavish lifestyles on social media with fancy cars, constant partying at the club, or even sharing fancy food for their meals via...
Hold on to your horses, everyone, for there’s a possibility that every single person on the planet may become a billionaire in the future. The USA’s...
From cryptos and stocks to properties, memang would feel overwhelmed by the excessive number of investment options lah. Fortunately, with the right tools and assistance, investing...
Our local born talents have made history yet again! The Malaysian men’s bowling team recently claimed its first men’s team title at the Asian Tenpin Bowling...
Being faced with a robbery is scary enough, but what if the robbers were to be armed with guns? Well, in such a situation, one jewellery...