A BMW driver in KL recently confronted an aunty who double parked next to his vehicle, causing him to wait for a long 30 minutes. The...
Driving in Malaysia can sometimes be unfavourable in most situations. But the most important thing to do as drivers is to be considerate of other fellow...
The issue of double parking has been ongoing for a long time and people are tired of tolerating the behaviour, especially when no contact numbers are...
Getting yourself a parking spot can be hectic at times, especially during peak hours. Regardless, it is never a reason to double park but if it’s...
A Toyota Vios that was double parked and blocked an empty parking lot had its windscreen covered with garbage. A Facebook page titled You Drive Like...
All of us have that special connection with our cars. We give them manja names, we pamper them, heck we even spend up to thousands of...
Double parked cars are a nuisance to the public as they not only bring inconvenience to the other drivers, they also cause congestion on the road with...
Sometimes, just the thought of parking can cause us to reconsider our going out plans because we’d rather stay home than get stuck in traffic and...
In Malaysia, we often come across people who do things that make us uncomfortable or annoy us to the max. However, most of the time, we...