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Sunset By NEON: Unpacking Our Honest Reviews on M’sia’s First-Ever Techno Festival!


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Source: Provided to WOB

We just took a wild ride to Sunset By NEON, Malaysia’s very first all-techno festival, nestled in the hills of Genting. And trust us, we have never experienced anything like this!

But wait, we’re not just here to brag. We’re dishing out all the details on what made this festival an absolute must-see. Stay tuned as we spill the beans on this epic celebration of music, nature, and art!



1. Performances were a blast from start to finish! 


After debuting their techno-focused brand, “Sunset”, at Savaya (the world-famous beach club in Bali) last year, the Malaysian organisers took a leap of faith by deciding to create a whole festival dedicated to the genre. And WOW, we’re so glad they did this!

Not only did the festival bring techno to the forefront of Malaysia’s music scene, it also showcased a mix of international and local artistes, giving them an incredible platform to share their music with the Malaysian audience!


The festival saw debuts from some of the biggest names in the techno scene as they graced our shores for the very first time — Boris Brejcha and Argy as well as rising Belgian star, Amber Broos (who’s only 21 years old!).

These outstanding artistes were all supported by our local talents, Victor G, Chukiess & Whackboi, Mr Yang, GRFFN, Boris Foong, Axel Groove and San, who have been the driving force behind Malaysia’s techno scene for years. It’s safe to say that the guys at NEON Events know how to craft a top-tier lineup of artistes!



2. We even partied next to our favourite DJs! 

And let’s not forget that Sunset by NEON is the first festival in Malaysia to feature a massive crowd of over 300 VVIPs on stage! This was an absolute game-changer that allowed festival-goers to get up close and personal with their favourite artistes.


All NEON events are known for their next-level VVIP experiences, but placing VVIP tables right next to the DJs on a stage well over 42 metres wide is a concept that we have never seen before (and we hope to keep seeing from now on)! Damn cool lah!

We danced and partied right next to our favourite artistes as they performed right before our eyes — it was a surreal moment that we’ll cherish forever!


3. Nature meets neon: a garden of glowing delights


Sunset By NEON didn’t just deliver on the musical front; it also treated us to a visual spectacle that left us spellbound!

From the tropical-inspired stage structure to magical butterfly art installations and lush nature decors, the attention to every single detail was unmatched! There was also a MASSIVE screen on the stage which left us in awe as we watched the audio-visual display from all the artistes.

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The gorgeous venue had not one, not two, but over 15 IG-worthy spots, how exciting is that?! Everywhere we looked, there were beautiful setups just waiting to be captured, decked out with greenery ranging from 6-metre tall palm trees to shrubs, plants, and vines from all over the country, more than a hundred of which were replanted after the show!

Mere words can’t do it justice — let’s dive into the fantastic photos snapped by fellow party-goers who experienced this visual wonderland firsthand! 


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4. Little luxuries, tremendous comfort

The choice of venue for Sunset By NEON couldn’t have been more perfect! Nestled atop the breezy hills of Genting, the chilly weather provided a refreshing break from the sweltering heat. The cool mountain air kept us comfortable and energised throughout the night, enhancing the overall festival experience!


Not only was the venue spot-on, but the event accessibility was also top-notch! Thanks to the seamless transportation services offered by Kumpool, getting to and from the festival was an absolute breeze.

It’s these thoughtful touches that truly elevated our festival experience to the next level!


5. Real talk: honest reviews from festival-goers

Don’t just take our word for it, check out what other festival-goers had to say about the festival. We haven’t seen festival feedback like these in a long time!

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Now you know why Sunset By NEON has been making waves across the nation! 


If you also love Sunset By NEON, show them some love by voting for NEON Countdown (Bangkok, Thailand) and Sunset by NEON (Genting, Malaysia) for this years’ DJ Mag Top 100 Festivals Poll! Act fast tho, as the voting ends on 12th June 2024.

Missed out on Sunset By NEON this time around? Rest assured that the party doesn’t stop here! Stay tuned for future NEON Events by visiting their official website or following them on: 

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