If you didn’t do well in SPM, it’s not the end of the world but only if you strive to improve yourself. To those who missed SPM 2023, and regardless of your reasons, Mara chairman is giving you the opportunity to enhance whatever skills you have in yourself.
In a Facebook post, Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuk said the 10,160 students who didn’t turn up for SPM 2023 can apply for a training program with GiatMara, which has 232 branches nationwide.
“Mara’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training programme offers skills training up to the highest levels.”

In his post, Dr. Asyraf said Mara has identified new fields which are needed and will be relevant in the market, such as,
- artificial intelligence,
- IoT (the Internet of Things),
- robotics,
- electric vehicle (EV),
- renewable energy vehicles (REV), and many more.
The door to second chances is opened with these high-tech fields to those who missed SPM. As long as the students are willing to put in the effort, they don’t have to worry much about job opportunities in the future.
According to Dr. Asyraf, he said,
“Mara’s TVET programme is carried out in close collaboration with industry movers. The skilled workers we trained will be guaranteed with job opportunities in the future.”

He added that GiatMara is currently carrying out a holistic study of all its programs, with the purpose of producing a skilled workforce according to international market and industry standards.
“Everyone has his and her own strengths. Those who don’t shine academically, you can shine in technical skills with TVET.”
Earlier, The Ministry of Education announced that over 11,000 students scored straight As in their SPM results, while another 10,000 students went missing in action for the examination, which has brought concern to many Malaysians about the students’ future.
Well, the 2nd chance is here. All you need to do is grab it! It’s not too late to start over when you’re only 18.