One of the superstitions that is heavily followed in Malaysia is to not use the number 4, especially to label building floors and so forth, because...
So, it’s been a while since people have realised that they have to dress in long pants or skirts (basically not wearing shorts) in order to...
Snakes have often divided the majority of people throughout history. A chronic fear to some and loved by others, the fascination behind this carnivorous reptile is...
Animal carcass on the road is usually cleared by the relevant authorities, or in unfortunate circumstances, the dead animals just rot there. It takes guts to...
Many adults often tell their children or those junior to them to explore and experience nature every once in a while, but I don’t think they...
Every once in a while, when ordering food on delivery applications, you may receive the wrong order. But, there are always ways to rectify this problem through...
For some people, it takes guts to do some things alone, such as going to the movies or dining in alone. Doing these without the companion...
While many often underestimate the tasks and duties of couriers, they don’t often have the smoothest journey when needing to transport an item to its given...
Everyone has different needs and desires in their lives that take them down different paths. Just because someone has a different, less prosperous lifestyle than you...
A Malaysian automotive content creator’s recent run-in with the law went viral on social media after she shared her experience of being suddenly chased and pulled...
Commemorating one’s wedding can happen in various ways, be it through the food, decorations, or the event itself. But the most special part of the entire...
An incident at a toll plaza caught the attention of Malaysians recently after the height barrier at one of its toll booths was broken by a...
Driving in Malaysia can sometimes be unfavourable in most situations. But the most important thing to do as drivers is to be considerate of other fellow...
Jumping out of an airplane and parachuting to the ground can be a really scary experience, even for those who have done it a million times....
There’s always been a debate on just how much a teacher is allowed to discipline or punish a student. From caning to being made to stand...
This is a nightmare fuel for the claustrophobics. Getting stuck in an elevator never feels good not just with the lights off but also grasping the...