Do you remember the crazy body trends that was all the rage back then? These trends mainly originated from China and comprised bizarre trends such as the A4 paper waist, iPhone leg challenge, phone holder challenge, belly button challenge and so many more ridiculous ones that we just cannot comprehend sometimes.

Source: 9gag
All these challenges have only one purpose though, and that is to supposedly show off your ‘perfect’ body. Although you should know that there’s nothing wrong with your body in the first place, these trends and challenges have got many netizens scrambling to prove that they have the ‘perfect’ bodies. PS: Your body is amazing just the way it is!
However, a recent new trend has been going viral and it’s known as the “Heart-shaped Boob Challenge”. Sound confusing yet? Well, apparently this trend involves girls trying to create a heart sign by cupping their hands over the flesh of their boobs while their fingers strategically hide the nipple. What even….

Source: Shanghaiist

Source: Shanghaiist

Source: Shanghaiist
It looks like it’s supposed to prove how “busty” you are as it is assumed that girls who are not as well-endowed aren’t able to perform such a feat. Who even came up with all these bizarre trends lah? Of course, girls who have successfully completed the challenge posted the photos online, which quickly spread like wildfire.
According to Shanghaiist, the challenge first appeared on Weibo but were deleted by censors shortly after. The challenge was also reportedly started by Ayi Xi Tai Lu, a live-streaming host, during one of her streaming sessions late at night.

Source: Shanghaiist
China doesn’t seem to like this new trend though, as users who tried to post photos of their completed challenge would find their photos being deleted quickly. Meanwhile, some other netizens also poked fun at this absurd trend, saying that they could do it using their stomach fat while a few male netizens hilariously attempted this challenge.

Source: What’s on Weibo

Source: What’s on Weibo
Remember girls, your body is awesome the way it is and you don’t have to be able to complete a challenge just to prove that you have a ‘perfect’ body!
Also read: New Bizarre Challenge In China Involves Censoring Naked Body With ONE Finger