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Pudu LRT Passengers had the Fright of Their Lives After Train Became Hot Due to Very Close Building on Fire


My Post 1 2024 06 19T170718.079
Source: 吧啦啦 | XiaoHongShu

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Imagine being on the LRT, like any other day, only for the LRT to suddenly be surrounded by heat and flames!

That was the scary situation LRT Sri Petaling line passengers had to endure. Thankfully, it wasn’t the LRT that was on fire but a very, VERY nearby building.

Netizen, 吧啦啦, took to their XiaoHongShu account to share a quick video of the terrifying burning building that made the LRT passengers fear that they were about to be engulfed in flames.

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They wrote, “Regarding the Pudu fire yesterday (June 18). I was heading home from Pudu towards Chan Sow Lin at 8:13pm, last night. When I was standing and holding the handrail, I suddenly saw a flash of red from the opposite side. I could only watch the fire getting closer and closer to us.”

“It took a few seconds. The whole car suddenly became very hot in a few seconds because of the high temperature (from the fire). The passengers on the opposite side were frightened and stood up immediately.”


Because they were so stunned by the scene they were seeing, they only managed to pull out their phone and record the last 3 seconds of the incident.

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“By the time I came to my senses and picked up my phone to take a video, it was already halfway through. But, the fire and the LRT was very close, and (it was) scary. Watch the video and you should know the feeling,” 吧啦啦 added.


You can check out the video here.

How would you have felt if you had to witness that while on the LRT? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Huge Fire Breaks Out at Genting Highlands Theme Park, Firefighters Deployed to Location

My Post 1 2024 06 14T190745.940

Source: 吧啦啦
Source: 吧啦啦

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