Taking to Twitter, netizen @kamaghul shared a video of how police officers crashed into a suspect and began a foot race not long after near congested MITEC, Kuala Lumpur.
In the video, the man, who emerged from a standstill Proton Saga, was hit by a police vehicle and began running away with the police in tow.
The incident did not end there, as those affected by the police chase, in this case those who parked their cars at the side of the road to attend a nearby Raya event, became collateral damage to the incident.
According to @niaatheunicorn, the chase resulted in a 20-car accident, as those affected were cars parked at the roadside on the way to MITEC.
“This is another case of criminals making life just that much harder for other people. They refuse to work and therefore resort to robbery.”
A delivery rider who was at the scene, @_masram_am, shared details he got when he was at the scene.
“I was making my delivery when it happened. The police were in pursuit of the suspect. When the suspect could not make a clean break, he slammed his car into those parked at the roadside.”
“Two suspects ran off in the incident,” he shared.
We sincerely hope that the police will apprehend the suspects and ensure there is justice for all involved.
Also read: Mentally Ill Woman Accused of Kidnapping in Melaka, Police Denies Allegations