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Over 20,000 Students Failed SPM Because They Didn’t Pass BM & Sejarah


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Source: Malay Mail & Malaysia Gazette

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Not all SPM takers failed the exam because they went missing in action. Some tried their best but failed 2 important subjects – Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah (History).

Over 20,000 Malaysian students failed in those 2 subjects and the consequences? They failed SPM and couldn’t obtain the certificate, which is important to pursue their tertiary education.

Deputy Minister of Education revealed that the pass rate of these 2 subjects, however, has shown a slight improvement over the previous years. For example, the failure rate of BM dropped by 0.1%.

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“In 2023, 2.5% of students failed BM and 5.6% failed the Sejarah paper. If we look closely, the failure rates have dropped slightly.”

During a press conference yesterday (June 4) at the Malaysian Skills Certificate convocation ceremony for students with special education, the deputy minister pointed out that the average point (GPMP) for BM in 2022 is 3.95. In 2023, it was 3.86.

“As for the history subject, it would be 4.65 in 2022 and 4.63 in 2023. The average points are basically the lower the data, the better.”

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He was actually responding to a question regarding a post on X claiming that over 23,000 students had failed the History and BM papers.

The deputy minister admitted that although the improvement was not large, it was still a positive development. He thanked all parties for the feedback and would work in many aspects to improve the pass rate of all subjects.

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Earlier, it was reported that over 10,000 students skipped SPM allegedly with the thought of becoming influencers, while 11,000 students scored straight As, with Pendidikan Quran & Sunnah record the highest percentage of A.

As for the students who failed BM in Sejarah, once again, this is not the end of the road. You can re-sit for the papers before pursuing your studies in universities and the most important thing to do for now is not to give up.


Also read: “Chill, SPM isn’t everything” – Malaysian Man Who Failed SPM Brags About His RM3.5K Salary


Source: The Star
Source: Malay Mail

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