Sometimes, we make some changes to our bodies to gain more confidence, and the changes can be done by simply putting on some cosmetics, or through a medical process which will require a higher budget.
Just recently, Malaysian influencer Liang Jing En shared her Korea travel vlog, where the main objective of her journey was to enlarge her breasts. Out of so many places, why Korea?
“The surgeons’ skills in Korea are great!” Jing En said in the video.

JingEn never had the idea of ”breast augmentation” in the past but after giving birth and losing weight, her “breasts” became small and saggy. To boost her confidence, and because her husband would prefer “big breasts”, she finally decided to fly to South Korea with her husband for breast augmentation.

Jing En documented the entire process, from enquiring about the procedure with the doctors to the post-surgery effect. To her, the process was not as painful as she had read online.
She also revealed the total amount she had spent to make the process a success – nearly RM55,000.
JingEn said that she not only had “prosthetic breast augmentation”, but also had fat extracted from the thighs to fill the breasts.
1 day after the surgery, JingEn said that she didn’t have any major problems except for slight oedema and body ache. As of today, she said that it had been about 3 months since she had breast augmentation, which has given her a boost in confidence.
You can watch the full vlog below.
Ladies, what would you do to boost your confidence?