This is disgusting!
A poor young lass who works in a fast-food chain restaurant shared her woes on Facebook after she was fat-shamed by one of her colleagues via a work WhatsApp chat group. Guys, body-shaming is not cool!
The poor girl was enraged and humiliated by her colleague’s WhatsApp messages as he mocked her for being a plus-sized woman. She wrote on her post,
“I don’t respect people who humiliate me like this. No respect for you.”
In a series of messages, you can see the appalling things he had said to describe the young lady’s weight and appearance.
Here’s a brief English translation of the messages that were sent in Malay.

Source: Facebook
Translation: “Try and guess if this is a monument or a human?”

Source: Facebook
Translation: “There was an earthquake at scale three being reported at Damansara Damai. A ‘badang’ was seen walking into the store.”
FYI, badang is normally used to describe a strong, hulk-like man in the Malay language.

Source: Facebook
Translation: “Earthquake at scale eight.” This comment was made in reference to when the girl was walking out.
At the time of writing, her post had already gained 5.1k shares and 210 comments. However, the post seems to have been taken down.
As the post went viral, many netizens were enraged and disgusted by the lady’s colleague’s mean comments. Most of them asked her to have some patience when dealing with such rude people. Patience is a virtue, after all!

Source: Facebook
Another netizen said that fat people always get shamed even if they do nothing to gain attention. She also hopes that someday, the man will experience the girl’s pain when his “future” wife gets fat-shamed by someone else.

Source: Facebook
Nonetheless, we applaud this girl for acknowledging the situation and bringing this matter to light because it takes a lot of bravery to stand up to your bully. Props to the girl!
That said, remember that it’s not okay to pass an insensitive comment about someone’s weight or looks because it can terribly hurt a person’s feelings. Instead, let’s be kind and give people compliments to make their day!
Also read: Video Shows Road Bully Threatening Lady With Weapon After She Cut Into His Lane in Gombak