It’s no secret that the traffic in Malaysia (not just in the Klang Valley) is getting insane. So much so, that many who commute to and from work with their own cars have to spend hours a day stuck in traffic jams.
One Malaysian doctor decided that he was taking no more of this and made a change in his life.
The doctor, Aloysious Greysious, took to his Twitter page to share how his life improved, in both saving time and money, after he decided to ‘downgrade’ from a car to a motorcycle.

He wrote, “Downgrading my lifestyle for real.”
Aloysious Greysious went on to share a breakdown of how much he spent with commuting with his car in comparison with his new motorcycle.

Here is the monthly breakdown:
For his car:
Petrol: RM1,200
Parking: RM200
Toll: RM160
Total: RM1,560
For his new motorcycle:
Petrol: RM40 (His post states RM15, but he told us at WORLD OF BUZZ that the accurate amount is RM40.)
Parking: Free
Toll: Free
Total: RM40
So, what’s the obvious difference monetarily? A whopping RM1,520.
On top of that, with his new motorcycle, he avoids traffic jams with in return, gives him more time for himself.

“And no more waking up at 5 in the morning to avoid jams! At 7 in the morning, I can have something to drink first before heading to work,” he added.
Though, with a motorcycle, rainy weather can become an issue but he manages to endure that with a raincoat that works well for him.
You can check out his post here:
Downgrading my lifestyle for real.
Monthly expenses to work:
Minyak kereta RM 1200
Minyak motor RM 15
Parking kereta RM 200
Parking motor RM 0
Tol kereta RM 160
Tol motor RM 0And no more bangun 5 pagi to avoid jam!
7 pagi boleh minum dulu before gerak kerja
— Aloysious Greysious? (@AGreysious) April 26, 2024
Would you consider switching from a car to a motorcycle to avoid traffic jams and in turn, save money and time? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: M’sians in Klang Valley are Resigning from Their Jobs Because They Cannot Tahan the Crazy Traffic