If you own a furry friend, chances are you’d go to extremes just to protect your beloved pet. For some, it also means taking revenge for them, such as this man from Jiangsu city of Yangzhou. The man, Fu, accidentally rammed a guy with his car into a wall when he chased a man to seek justice for his dog, reported Medium.

Source: Medium
What caused this rage, you ask?
Well, the reason the incident took place was because a 42-year-old man, Luo, had reportedly shot Fu’s pet with a poison dart before dog-napping it. According to an eyewitness, the 40-year-old dog owner rushed outside after hearing his dog’s distress only to find Luo running away with his pet after shooting it. How can a man be this cruel?
After the incident, Fu followed and tried to confront the dog-napper but instead, he was threatened by Luo who drove off on his motorcycle.
“If you dare chase me, I’ll poison you with a dart,” Luo threatened.
Oh my! The audacity of this thief.
Not fearing the threat, Fu immediately jumped into his van and sped off after Lou. As recorded by a surveillance camera nearby, Fu, who was speeding, had reportedly lost control of the van as it smashed straight through a pillar on the sidewalk before crashing into a shop’s wall, instantly killing the dog-napper. Yikes!
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/qRAnpXTDvhk” /]
Source: Medium
When the crime scene was inspected, the police found six dog carcasses stuffed inside a black bag, which is believed to belong to Luo. Also, Fu was then remanded to aid investigation.

Source: Medium
Fu’s family, on the other hand, defended his action stating that the man only meant to frighten the dog thief but got the gas pedal confused with the brake pedal by his blinding anger, which led to him accidentally kill Lou by speeding. The logic seems legit IMO.
Currently, the case is still under investigation, thus it is unclear whether Fu will be facing the court for a trial.
Anger tends to fuel us into violence, hence it’s best to seek the police first instead of taking matters into our own hands!
Also read: Woman Drops Girl’s Pet Corgi from Sixth Floor, Later Tearfully Apologises