Known as the Land Down Under, Australia is a popular holiday destination for nature lovers who wish to explore the great outdoors. Apart from the picturesque...
Ever got hit by an impulsive travel bug but due to how expensive last-minute flight bookings are, you never get to scratch that itch? ? Well,...
There might soon be a new tourist attraction soo at Ban Dan Nok, the town near the Thailand-Malaysia border in Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah: A legal...
The beautiful beach paradise of Perhentian Islands in Terengganu has been named the 3rd top destination in Asia for ‘slow travel’ by the digital travel platform...
Tired of coming up with travel plans that never make it out of your friends or family’s group chat? We’ve been there before. ? Luckily, we...
When you go to a country as a tourist, many people do not read up on the culture of the locals and end up offending them...
Have you been bitten by the travel bug lately? What if we told you that you could have the option to fly for free within Asean...
The paradise island of Bali in Indonesia is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places on Earth and is one of the most popular...
Post-pandemic, Thailand has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world again, with the country recording an impressive 28.09 million foreign visitors in...
Whenever there are contests that have juicy rewards like HUGE cash prizes, vouchers or even free petrol, konfem Malaysians will flock to join them. Of course...
Last year, Malaysian tourists made up the largest number of foreign travellers to Thailand with a whopping 4,626,422 visitors, as per the statistics shared by Thailland’s...
It’s no secret that we Malaysians love to travel to Thailand, with tourists from our country making up the largest number of foreign travellers to Thailand...
South Asia is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful regions on Earth. It is home to a flurry of colourful cultures and a rich history renowned...
Rapid KL conducted a women’s coach trial on the MRT (Kajang line) in the last quarter of 2023. The latest news by Rapid KL concerning this...
It’s no secret that we Malaysians love to travel to our neighbouring country Thailand. In fact, did you know that tourists from Malaysia made up the...
Malaysia has been featured favourably in tourism-related rankings in 2024 by various publications and organisations worldwide, with the capital city of Kuala Lumpur being named the...