Teamwork makes the dream work may very well be the saying that can restore humanity. It shows the unity and kindness in people when they come together to help someone or something in need.
For example, ERA (Malaysia) took to their Facebook page to showcase a group of Malaysians at a food court, helping a cleaner pick up fallen plates, cups and utensils, after his cart had overturned.
They wrote, “A worker picking up plates at a food court and pushing a trolley full of plates, glasses and trays suddenly lost it’s balance and overturned. The customers around the scene were resilient to get up and help the worker. In less than 2 minutes, all the utensils were picked up. May Allah reward the glory of their hearts by providing them with abundant sustenance.”
A mess of utensils could be seen on the floor, in the video, as people gathered around it. They all picked up the plates, glasses, forks and spoons and placed them back into their tubs and onto the trolley, easing the burden of the cleaner.
Thanks to the number of helping hands, the fallen utensils that seemed like a huge mess was cleared up swiftly, proving that problems can easily be fixed when others show kindness.
A major kudos to everyone that helped the worker when many would have just stared.
What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.
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