When you’re coming up to a toll while driving, all you can do is hope that you’re able to drive through without facing any issues such as a faulty toll boom gate or toll jumpers trying to take advantage of you.
However, it appears that sometimes, a faulty toll boom gate can prove to be extremely hilarious. In a TikTok video shared by Akmal Ngatimin, she shares how she had come across a faulty toll boom gate which kept opening and closing making it impossible for the car to drive through without causing damage.

In the video, the faulty toll boom gate could be seen to be rapidly opening and closing which meant that the car had no choice but to wait to go through.

Fortunately in a part 2 of her video, Akmal shared that the toll boom gate eventually stopped opening and closing which allowed the car to pass through without any harm.
Is it possessed?
The video has since gone viral and currently sits on over 69,900 views. The funny incident captured the attention of Malaysian users who left hilarious comments on what the problem could’ve been.
“The gate is facing a crisis of identity. It doesn’t know whether to be a gate or a wiper.”
“Sis, I think you picked difficult mode. Try playing on easy mode first and when you complete it then only should you pick hard mode,” said a user jokingly.

Meanwhile, some users commented on how it reminded them of the video game, Pinball.
“The staff is probably playing Pinball on computer in office but little did they know, it’s actually controlling the gate outside,” commented a user.

Watch the video below:
Watch on TikTok
What would you do in this situation? Let us know in the comments section.
Also read: WATCH: M’sian Gets Out of His Car to Break Sunway Toll Boom Gate With His Bare Hands