You’re probably out there sipping on your coffee while reading this, or some of you might have just come back from shopping. Long story short, you might be having a good time out there. But just 3 years ago, we weren’t allowed to do all that.

That’s right. 3 years ago today (March 18), the very first round of the Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented by former Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
We heard the phrase “stay at home” being repeated all the time. No dine-ins, no driving for more than 10km, having to present your official documents to the police at roadblocks, and everyone sanitising their hands everywhere all at once. Ring any bells?
Long story short, the entire country was under a lockdown with many, many restrictions.

Well, Happy Birthday, MCO! It has been 3 years since the world took a break for the first time due to the rampaging virus.
According to China Press, Muhyddin announced the implementation of MCO on 16 March 2020 as an effort to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus, which was initially scheduled for 2 weeks. However, it was extended for multiple times until MCO became CMCO and RMCO.
It was only on June 15, 2021, that the government initiated the National Recovery Plan (PPN) as a replacement for MCO. Back then, former Defense Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Health DG, Dr Noor Hisham would update Malaysians on a daily basis about the progress of the pandemic.
Remember when catching yourself up with the daily reported numbers of Covid-19 was a trend? Good ol’ times!
Eat, sleep, repeat
Many Malaysians took a trip down memory lane and reminisced about what they did when no one was allowed to be out. Some also expressed gratitude for still being alive.
“We couldn’t go here and there, had to mask up every time we were out.”
“Ate and slept a lot at home,” said one user.
Another commented, “Lost some friends and relatives. I learned that health is always the most important.”
“I kept listening to the MCO remix song on a loop back then.”
“I’m glad I’m still surviving. Thank God.”
A user stated, “3 months hibernating at home. I was so happy.”
“I was still working. RM80 per day.”
Another MCO for Malaysians? Thanks, but no thanks. Time flies and it’s kind of hard to believe that it has been 3 years and now, we’re in the transition into endemicity. Our prayers and condolences go to those who didn’t make it. Fellow Malaysians, what were you doing during the MCO period?
Also read: Didn’t Get Covid? South Korean Doctor Says That’s Because You Have No Friends!