Inflation and price hikes have impacted many aspects of our daily lives, including education. To ensure the quality and accessibility of education during this difficult time, our national education and students’ welfare became the main focus of Belanjawan 2023:
Our government allocated the most budget for the education sector, covering a wide range of incentives and support!
Yes, you read that right! RM55.2 billion was allocated to the Ministry of Education (MOE), while the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) received RM15.3 billion!
These budget allocations will increase Malaysian education’s competitiveness by restoring and developing institutional resources for fellow students. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or parent, keep reading to discover how you can benefit from #BelanjawanMADANI!
Primary & secondary education
1. Create a conducive and safe learning space
Effective teaching and learning can only occur in a conducive and safe environment. Hence, RM2.3 billion has been allocated to improve school conditions through:
- Conducting school maintenance and repair works
- Upgrading buildings and infrastructure
- Involves 380 dilapidated schools
- Schools in Sabah and Sarawak are prioritised
- Replacing worn-out dormitory and classroom furniture or equipment

2. Build new schools
Due to the increasing population density in urban areas, the rapid housing developments have caused overcrowding in schools, which impacts students’ learning outcomes. This is why the government has allocated RM560 million to construct seven new schools:
- SMK Nabalu, Sabah
- SMK Dudong, Sarawak
- SK Paya Dusun, Terengganu
- SK Cyberjaya 2, Selangor
- SMK Denai Alam, Selangor
- SMK Johan Setia, Selangor
- SK Setia Alam 2, Selangor

3. Improve food aid programmes
Amid rising food prices, many canteen operators are struggling to provide balanced and nutritious meals for students. To fulfil students’ nutritional needs, our government increased the rates of the following food aid programmes by RM1:
- Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT)
- Peninsular Malaysia: RM3.50 per student
- Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan: RM4 per student
- Bantuan Makan Prasekolah (BMP)
- Peninsular Malaysia: RM3 per student
- Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan: RM3.25 per student

4. Provide 50,000 laptops for schools
In order to enhance teaching and learning with digital resources, a total of 50,000 laptops will be provided to schools and educational institutions that are under MOE.

5. Reduce the financial burden of education
Education fees and loans can be a huge financial burden for many Malaysian parents. Therefore, our government proposed the following measures to lower the expenses of struggling families:
- Extend fixed duty of RM10 for:
- Educational loan or scholarship agreement executed from 1 June 2023
- All educational levels in any educational and training institutions
- Extend tax relief of up to RM3,000 until 2024 for parents to enrol their children at TASKA or TADIKA

Higher education
6. Improve the facilities at institutions
Quality facilities are key to effective learning and efficient research in higher education institutions. Therefore, a total of RM771 million has been allocated to:
- Repair infrastructure and replace outdated equipment that is no longer economical at IPTAs
- Improve internet connectivity in institutions that are under the Malaysian Research & Education Network program (MYREN)
- Upgrade and maintain public university facilities

7. Fund research and development (R&D) activities
RM428 million has been allotted to promote R&D activities under MOHE and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).
On top of that, an additional RM50 million was also distributed to fund translational R&D activities that contribute to solving social and industrial issues. Besides, MOSTI also received R&D grants of RM15 million for their production of national vaccines.

8. Enhance educational resources for Bumiputera
Another RM6.6 billion was given to Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Yayasan Peneraju, and Universiti Teknologi MARA, where Bumiputera students will be given access to educational loans and opportunities to pursue professional fields.

9. Provide financial assistance
Financial challenges can stop students from acquiring quality tertiary education. Hence, to assist financially struggling families, our government proposed the following initiatives:
- Standardise stamp duty rates to RM10 for educational loan agreements
- This applies to certificate or professional-level students, including diploma and above
- PTPTN loan aids
- Up to 20% discount on repayments for three months (starting from 1st March 2023)
- 6 months deferment for borrowers with a monthly income of RM1,800 and below (application starting from 1st March 2023)

10. Develop skills and opportunities
The government is also keen to better prepare students for their careers. This is why a portion of #Belanjawan2023 goes to developing students’ skills and creating more opportunities, such as:
- Coordinate with Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to provide internship opportunities and scholarship bonds
- Allocate RM180 million to the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK)

Now that you know how Belanjawan 2023 measures are set to enhance the education sector, it’s time to take advantage of these initiatives and enjoy the benefits our government has set out for us!
Other than education, #Belanjawan2023 also covers a wide array of sectors that are closely connected to our daily lives, including social justice, sustainable development, healthcare, and MORE! Click here to find out what other benefits you can seize from #BelanjawanMADANI!