For entry into China, something else must enter your rear end first…
Recently, China has introduced another method of detecting Covid-19 through a special anal swab test which they claimed to be more effective than the usual oral one. While the method is not yet practised in other countries outside of China, it seems that the Chinese government is convinced of its increased effectiveness as based on a report by AirLive, the Republic announced that passengers arriving from abroad into China must undergo the anal swab test instead of the usual test.

A demonstration of the Covid-19 anal swab test.
AirLive quoted reports from local media which said that the Chinese authorities will impose this test on subjects at risk, contact cases or passengers arriving from abroad, during their quarantine at the hotel in China. Previously, Covid-19 anal swab tests have been administered to residents of neighbourhoods with confirmed Covid-19 cases in Beijing. It was also administered at the designated quarantine facilities.
A senior doctor from Beijing;’s You’an Hospital, Li Tongzeng commented that the anal swab test method ‘can increase the detection rate of infected people’ because traces of the Covid-19 virus lives longer in the anus than in the respiratory tract.
As of the time of writing, China requires all arrivals into the country to have multiple negative test results and go through 14 days quarantine in designated hotels on arrival before being allowed to roam the country.
In a more local context, there is no word on whether Malaysia intends to use anal swab tests for its citizens… yet. Well, if it’s more effective at detecting the virus, why not, right?
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Also read: Bend Over! China Introduces New Weapon To Battle Covid-19, Anal Swab Tests