Intending to share and spread knowledge, Perlis Mufti recently invited non-Muslims for a dialogue session at the mosque so that the attendants could not only join the Iftar (the act of breaking fast) but also experience the vibes.

In a viral Facebook post by the Mufti himself, Dr MAZA said the non-Muslims were invited for a dialogue session at the ALWI Mosque in Kangar, where they could ask anything they had in mind about Islam, even if the questions were sensitive.
“I told them to ask away, even if the questions were sensitive. I would try my best to answer.”

Dr MAZA was happy with the participation and based on photos from the event, the attendants were focused and many took the opportunity to fire away their questions about the religion. During the dialogue session, Dr MAZA also assured the attendants that his door was always open to everyone, in case they needed more clarification.
What if they didn’t agree with what Dr MAZA had to share?
“Not a problem. They were willing to listen to what I had to share from my heart about Islam, and that was all that matters. My intention was merely to share.”
“No pressure and no coercion because we’re not making enemies.”
He explained that a Mufti carries a heavy responsibility when it comes to the knowledge of Islam and maintaining good connections with non-Muslims. Gifts were also given by the state’s religious department as a token of friendship.

“This is what the religious ministers should’ve done”
Social media users were impressed with Dr MAZA’s efforts and many praised him for his dedication. A netizen pointed out that this should be the responsibility of religious ministers and all Muftis in other states.

“The one and only Mufti who is well known and respected in Malaysia. In fact, many don’t even know the names of the Muftis in their respective states. May Allah bless Dr MAZA.”

“It’s such a blessing to be in Perlis because of Dr MAZA. I feel like staying there permanently.”

“We won’t see such a gathering elsewhere, where people discuss Islam and make peace between the Muslims and the non-Muslims. Let’s pray that other Muftis in their respective states will follow suit.”
What do you think of Dr MAZA’s effort in communicating with people of different faiths?
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