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“I couldn’t sleep for days” – Viral Penang Store Owner Says He Wishes the 1-on-1 Never Happened


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Source: Facebook | BFM - The Business Station

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Anything that circulates online now will make a person famous, and it’ll make you or break you. Fame is not something everyone is looking for, and the viral Penang store owner who engaged in the infamous 1-on-1 certainly did not expect fame for himself.

And he never wanted any part of it.

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In an interview, the viral store owner, Goh admitted that on the night the 1-on-1 clip went viral online, he couldn’t sleep well. And it wasn’t because he found joy from the unexpected fame.

Just when he thought he could use a break, PDRM detained him and the man in white singlet.

Goh had to spend a couple of nights behind bars.

“I was detained on Thursday night and I only got out on Saturday evening. I couldn’t sleep at all.”

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Let’s stay harmonious, shall we?

In the interview, Goh also admitted that if he could turn back time, he never wanted the physical fight to happen. No 1-on-1s, no helmets, no winners, no losers. Goh just wants to live his life as a store owner.

The cat lover also reminded all Malaysians, especially those who have learned martial arts not to engage in any fights.

“That’s now how we martial artists behave. This viral incident has nothing to do with race and alcohol. It’s purely someone’s personality.”

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Goh added that as a businessman, all he ever wanted was not just for his business to maintain but also to maintain the harmony between himself and the customers.

The matter, however, has since been resolved after PDRM suggested both parties reconcile and make peace. The man in white singlet, on the other hand, seems to have found his success following the viral incident.

Make peace, not war.


Also read: Viral Penang Store Owner Who Had a Fight with a Customer Has a Black Belt in Taekwondo & Won a Championship

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