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Brave 9yo M’sian Kid Takes Flight from KL to Kuching Alone Because His Parents Couldn’t Teman Him


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Source: Harian Metro & 123RF

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When we were merely 9 years old, we would’ve looked for our parents if they were out of our sight, especially in public places full of unfamiliar faces. A 9-year-old Malaysian kid, however, took the flight back to Sarawak ALONE, without his parents’ company.

The brave 9-year-old Ukaasyah Mohamad Anas had the luxury of boarding the flight from KLIA and enjoyed his trip back home alone. According to his father, Anas, he said his son safely landed at the Kuching International Airport, where Ukaasyah was greeted by his grandparents.

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“He wants another solo trip!”

Anas said that Ukaasyah had to go back to Sarawak as the school holidays had ended. However, the parents were unable to go with Ukaasyah because both had unfinished business to deal with, reported Harian Metro.

“My wife got a job offer at the United Arab Emirates and I had work to attend, so we couldn’t board the flight with him. We did send him to the airport and waited until the flight took off.”

Were they NOT worried that their son had to be alone during the entire flight?

As a father, Anas said it’s impossible for any parent to NOT feel worried or fearful to let their kids take the flight alone.

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“I felt heavy-hearted. It was our 1st time to let Ukaasyah travel alone. Thankfully, he made it safely.”

Anas was also flattered to learn that Ukaasyah had “the flight of his life” as the cabin crews treated him well. The father, however, was shocked to learn that the flight had left his son wanting more.

“I was surprised to know that Ukaasyah was excited for another solo flight!”

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The matter initially went viral on TikTok, to which the parents did not expect the incident to circulate because their intention was just to share, as well as to expose how an underage kid took the flight alone without his parents by his side.

When you were 9, what was the bravest thing that you did?


Also read: Thoughtful 8yo in Melaka Chooses Cheapest Slippers Just So That His Mum Doesn’t Have to Spend Too Much



Source: Harian Metro
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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